Creative Architecture Design


We are a company engaged in the field of architecture and interior design.

Working on a variety of services and consultancy on Architectural Design of traditional design (especially Bali) to Modern Minimalist design.

In addition we are also experienced in the field of Artistic Interior of tables, chairs, book shelves with high artistic value to the quality of exports.

And experience working in the field of interior design special Cruiser (Yacht and Pinissi).

Drawing serve to create houses, shop houses, villas, and various other types of building

Serving the design and manufacture of home interiors such as kitchen sets, sofas, shelves, cabinets, or an aditional bed adapted to the place you have.

Our design can be seen on each entry contained in this blog.

Kamis, 30 Agustus 2018

Kramas Guest house

Desain dan pelaksanaan Kolam Renang di Area Pantai Kramas - Gianyar

Renovasi desain unit kamar dan landscape sebuah guest house..

La Tomato

Desain lapak Pizza La Tomato - Tiara Dewata
Sederhana di tempat yang terbatas..